The Have Another Journey

My heart was broken when I found out the State frowned upon spreading deadly diseases from some rando's kitchen. I kid. In my early 50s, I wanted to earn a living by cooking out of my kitchen and I figured it would be a breeze to sell my family's Banna Pudding in the comfort of my own home. It is the real deal. Not the stuff you make from a yellow box. However, I was hit with the rude awakening that, among other things, pudding is not allowed to be commercialized out of a home kitchen. Hm….ok. Cookies then? Check. Let's do it. Note, I have a few - just add water and stir- packages and are better than most cookie products out there, but my conscience would not allow me to put my name/brand on the package.

After getting myself and my kitchen certified, I rolled up my sleeves and putting on my apron I decided to get down to the basics and I started researching recipes, learning baking tips and techniques that would allow me to produce a good quality product that will not break the bank….mine or my potential customers.

I've been asked, what makes my cookies/product different from everyone else's? And it is not as simple as: They taste better. However, that is my niche. They do taste better - because I don't cut corners. I prepare my dishes with natural ingredients. Where do you get your chocolate? Well, I make my own. Now I'm a fan….after I learned how to do right. Ugh. What a process. What's makes me different? What makes me stand out?

Pina Colada Cooki

About Have Another (HA!) Store

My basic cookies tastes better and I purchase natural ingredients like food grade cocoa butter and I transform familiar desserts into a cookie form. I found some recipes and noticed some took shortcuts, I just took the good, discarded the bad and replaced it with…more good. Some recipes called for shortening…um ..nay. Others called for margarine. Again, I say, nay. I use real eggs, cane sugar (sounds so much cooler than the other stuff), butter and extract. Have you heard of Rum Extract? Well, now you have. This attention to detail matters as you will see.

My first 'creation' was the Pina Colada cookie. The recipe I came across was nothing short of fantastic. I just tweaked it a bit. There are no thrills or frills. It's just a fantastic tasting cookie. In fact it's a Simplistic. Delicious. Experience.

The journey I've taken was a necessary one; and relatively short. I was able to accomplish a lot in a little bit of time because I had an acquired support team. Jose, whom I met at the gym I attend. George, whom I met at a local urban café and Angel… creative consultant. These helped from finalizing a logo , acquiring a website to cutting through red tape. Much love also goes to my many taste testers: wifie, sons, daughter-in-law, brother, Angel (again Angel???) and many more….thank you all. The biggest resource I was afforded was time.

I've taken advantage of it since I've been on disability for almost two years now. All the while thinking how I can earn a living while dealing with the aches and breaks. I went to driving school to acquire my Class B license. I've become a part-time actor/model (two gigs….so far). Baking is the best option I can think of that would accommodate my limitations while providing steady coin and nurture my desire for fire….lame? Fine ……nurture this new found love of the kitchen.

In the meantime I'm coming up with new creations. I'm not recreating the wheel, I know but you probably haven't had an Apple Pie cookie like mine. When you do, tell all your friends and by-all-means, Have Another!

About Me​

Bryant Whitsett
